In 15 Tagen

27th International Pig Veterinary Society Congress (IPVS) & 15th European Symposium of Porcine Health Management (ESPHM)

Auf einen Blick

The joint congress of IPVS and ESPHM is the world’s largest and most important scientific event of the global pig industry. Everybody who works with pigs faces increasing challenges that are more or less severe, good and bad. All the more, this event provides unique opportunities to exchange opinions, experiences, teach and learn from each other! The scientific committee, with members from all over the world, made sure to have a program assembled that perfectly reflects and serves the demands of those challenges and the current situation. Traditional topics such as virology, bacteriology or nutrition will be complemented by e.g., sessions on human resource management and precision livestock farming/artificial intelligence.

Weitere Termine


Leipziger Messe
Messe-Allee 1
04356 Leipzig

Tel.: +493416780

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