In 131 Tagen

Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC)

Auf einen Blick

Leipzig Interventional Course (LINC), the world’s premier interdisciplinary live course for vascular and endovascular teams, announced that its annual meeting is shifting from summer to winter, with its 20th anniversary Congress in January 2025. The move is a return to its pre-pandemic schedule and allows for early-year presentations of late-breaking data. Created in 2005, LINC is a four-day interdisciplinary meeting for vascular surgeons, interventional cardiologists, angiologists, and interventional radiologists. LINC provides information on the latest techniques and technologies for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of vascular disease. LINC is designed with multiple high-quality live cases from the world’s leading interventional centers, presented through immersive dialogue with representation from multiple specialties.

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Congress Center Leipzig
Messe-Allee 1
04356 Leipzig

Tel.: +493416780

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